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Famicom Mysteries: Follow up on "Development Disk Card Vol. 0"

A little over a week ago posted a fairly comprehensive look at FDS Disk types. In the video I briefly discuss an unreleased FDS RPG which has extraordinarily little information surrounding it. As my luck would have it though a few days ago, exactly one week after posting the video, I uncovered more information about said disks by accident while also uncovering a little more on the Disk Writer test disks (another blog post I’m sure). The website which I will link here roughly translates to "Retro Game Nostalgia Book" and sheds light on multiple FDS games aside from the proto-disk of interest.

Anyway on to what I've learned. For starters the game's name is truly unknown. Upon starting the game the player will find no title screen or indication of a name at all, so that was a dead end. We do however at the very least have a better idea of the plot which centers around famous Japanese war lord (and popular subject of video games) Oda Nobunaga who the player controls. There are also some female characters but unfortunately I can't gather anything of their role in the story. I've included in this post three new screenshots which I have not seen anywhere online before. As you can tell the screen feature character dialog that (of course) is in Japanese. If you know any Japanese and could assist in translating these screens please leave a comment and I will update this post with said information and a personal thank you. Lastly it would seem that this game was a very short way into development as it apparently crashes early in, most likely before a single encounter.


This game will continue to intruige me for years to come. I still hope that someday especially in light of these recent findings that we might see a dump released online.

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