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New Review Out and Some Updates/Thoughts

After a far to lengthy hiatus from both the site and YouTube i'm finally back with a new review. This time it's of Pokemon Diamond for the Gameboy Color. I'm really curious to know how many games share that title, maybe I should make it a challenge to cover them all eventually. It's included with this post but you can also watch it on the MikeTheGamerGuy portion of this page or on the YouTube page itself.

With that being said I'd like to annouce a few things in regards to the future of this entire thing PWG, MTGG and MaG Live. First off, I really need to find a better way to run this site. In it's current state it's slow and hard to edit. Also I think it's layout could use some work. My hope is to eventually ditch the current form of the site entirely in favor of something overall more functional.

Secondly MTGG should be picking up again even though my laptop (not from lack of trying) is dead. I also think that the quality of the videos might go up a bit with my new found methods of editing, capturing and saving the files.

The last thing is most unfortunate my plans for Retro Games Ultra and MikeandGames Live are for the foreseeable future cancelled. I will try all I can to get a Stream going at some point maybe in the near future if an opprotunity presents itself but who knows.

Anyway hope you guys enjoy the new review and stick around for more content coming down the pipe.

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