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Floating Down A Lazy River Called: Shigesato Itoi's Bass Fishing No. 1

Shigesato Itoi may be a name familiar to those of you who have been lucky enough to enjoy the EarthBound/Mother series of video games. Itoi is not just a game designer in fact he is more well known in Japan for his copywriting of movies amoung other things. That being said he did attach his name to another series of Nintendo games. Shigesato Itoi's Bass Fishing is a sereis of two fishing games (who would have guessed) spanning across the SNES to the N64. I can't read Japanese myself but I own both and I honestly can not think of a more relaxing series of games. The first game (video included here) has a slow methodical beat to it punctuated by intense realing segments. Even without knowing much Japanese this game is still pretty easy to enjoy after the intro. The N64 version is much harder to figure out but once you do it is just as cathartic. It's use of a first person mode really puts you in to this world of expressive freeness which is a pleasure to expirience even without the fishing itself. If you ever get the chance to give them a try I highly recomend it.

Video By Youtube

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