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Super Star Wars: Remembering a classic in the wake of "The Force Awakens"

As many gamers know tie-in video games are statistically prelty bad. If you want some examples: Friday the 13th (NES), Jaws (NES), and E.T (Atari) just to name a few. Not all tie-in games are awful though. Case in point Super Star Wars and its sequels: Super Empire Strikes Back and Super Return of the Jedi. Star Wars is perhaps the greatest potential subject for a video game. It's action packed, creative and has a good vs. evil story that perfectly suits the gaming medium. While there were some successful attempts at making a good Star Wars game before Super Star Wars none so comprehensively took you through the entire story while also being exciting. The story itself is also pretty accurate but with the addition of some over the top boss fights and set pieces. The opening level for example finds you squaring off against a giant worm like version of the sarlacc pit. Even with these small liberties the game still follows the story better than any other adaptation I can think of. Super Star Wars is also a game for those who desire a serious challenge. Fans of Contra, Castlevania and the like will get a lot out of it. The run and gun gameplay is probably most reminiscent of Metal Slug but a little less brutal. Though it's mostly a run and gunner, Super Star Wars is occasionally punctuated by Mode7 sections which really add an extra level of interestingness and breaks up the potential monotony of the platforming sections. With the latest movie in the Star Wars series a little over a year away (the trailer drops this Friday Nov. 28) I hope that the inevitable tie-in game will return to this formula. Super The Force Awakens is probably unlikely but perhaps a 3D action game that adopts some of the ideas from these games could actually be the first great Star Wars game since Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy,

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