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Pirate Game Carts: You Can't Make This Up

They say "art immitates life". If this is true then i'm incredibly fearful for. . . well my life. Case in point this wonderful art work for "DONGKEY KONG SPECIA". *Shiver*

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Perhaps you are familiar with "The Uncanny Valley". It's the idea that as things move closer to appear life like there's a point at which that which is being depicted becomes repulsive. I think there is some of this going on here. *Shiver again* You find this sort of thing quite often in famicom bootleg investigation but there is another breed of pirate game artwork which is just as common (if not more so). Take this artwork for a bootleg copy of the real game "Samurai Zombie Nation" (real name). This game by the way just to give you a point of reference. Is the heart-warming tale of a dead samurai's head flying around america destroying buildings and the (now evil) Statue of Liberty. So yeah, pretty much Star Wars Episode 1.

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I will return to this topic in the future i'm sure but I want to leave you with this thought. I would like you to take a look at both of these wonderful works of art and think: "Someone made this, someone produced this and thought it made sense".

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